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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Help the Animal Welfare League at the Gold Coast With Its Fundraising by Attending this Unique Seminar!

Help! My Dog is Home Alone and Unhappy!

☞ ☞ click here to book your place ☜ ☜

A Pet-Fix Seminar for the Animal Welfare League with Dr Cam Day

Why Should You Attend this Seminar?

You should attend this seminar if you are worried about your dog's home-alone behaviours which may include:-

  • morose or sad behaviour on leaving
  • distressed behaviour while absent such as
    • howling or screaming
    • destructive behaviour
    • escaping behaviour
    • house-soiling
    • self-harming tendencies
  • ballistic attention seeking when you arrive

Sometimes problems like this mean your dog has a Separation Anxiety but there are also other reasons for behaviours like this.

This seminar will deal with a range of 'home alone' behaviours in detail, including behaviours often described as a Separation Anxiety.

Sad_dog_Waiting_smlThe solutions discussed in this Pet Fix Seminar will be science-based and sensible and based on solutions Dr Cam implements for the home-alone behaviours he sees regularly, including those serious cases of separation anxiety You can be sure the information you receive will be practical and solution-based.

The information shared is very similar to the advice Dr Cam shares in his face-to-face consultations which means you will get the benefit of a personal consultation but at a fraction of the price.

You will receive worksheets so you can add your own notes and you will be emailed a detailed Separation Anxiety Pet Fix and other relative information after the seminar which will link you to further solutions on your dog’s behaviour.

Podcasts of information shared will also be sent to you after the event so you can listen to the information again to ensure you get all the good information.

Help the Animal Welfare League at the Gold Coast With Its Fundraising by Attending this Unique Seminar

☞ ☞ click here to book your place ☜ ☜

Expected Outcomes:

At the completion of this seminar you will:Beagle_Pup_escaping-SML

  • understand why your dog has developed his or her home-alone behaviours
  • be better placed to determine if the problem is agenuine separation anxiety
  • know how to recognise signs of your dog's distress before you leave so you can remedy the problem
  • have learnt a variety of techniques to teach your dog to be calm when separated from you, including, theTrial Separation Technique
  • understand why punishment should be avoidedand why you need to be cautious if you areconsidering the use of electric collars for any home-alone howling or barking
  • also discover solutions for boredom-relatedbehaviours
  • know if and when pheromones and/or medicationsare indicated


One month's membership to is included as part of your Seminar fee ($22 additional value) so that all the separation anxiety information and other behavioural problems on will be freely available. If you are already a member, your membership will be EXTENDED for 1 month.


  • A four-point plan you can easily employ to get the best result possible your dog's home alone behaviours
  • Unique and fascinating ways of spying on your dog while you are away
  • Why lifestyle-enrichment methods are the core of the solution for home-alone behaviours
  • Calming strategies to use at leaving time
  • Unique solutions to boredom that will keep your dog entertained
  • The role of pheromones and/or medications for separation-anxiety-like problems including when they are needed and when they are not
  • Question time

☞ ☞ click here to book your place ☜ ☜



Thursday 24th June 2010 6:30pm for 7pm start

Concludes at 9:30 pm approximately


Animal Welfare League Gold Coast

Conference Room

Shelter Road, Coombabah, Gold Coast


$55.00 which includes:

  • 1 month's membership to (Membership means you get additional discounts in fees, services and products after the seminar)

  • course notes

  • a detailed barking pet pick which is sent after the seminar

  • recorded podcasts from the night

  • a light supper at interval


If you are already a member, your membership will be extended by 1 month

Price: $55.00 inc. GST

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